il y a 7 ans
Pico Monsters (aka Picomon) is an adaptation of an existing Pico-8 game Pico Monsters by Headchant. To quote the original author :
In this game there are markers called 'picostops' scattered throughout the map which drop random items whenever you have defeated a few wild monsters. 'Picostops' also replenish and revive all the monsters in your party. Catch new monsters with picoballs.
Due to the save restrictions of pico8 the team size in this is only 4. Every wild monsters can have up to 4 different moves it's recommended to catch and compare to build your best team. There is also a very small story about professor corks whereabouts...
To sum up, this game is a Pokémon-like RPG with 20 monsters to catch (4 types).
There have been a few changes from the original, mainly in attempt to balance a little more the difficulty :
The battles may seems a little hard, but this game is made to be challenging. The key is to build a strong team and not hesitate to use items (potions...).
I acknowledge that it is difficult to be objective on this point, so feel free to give me your opinion on this, I might update it according to it.
The original forum post is right here :
NEW il y a 7 ans
I hope you'll do a good tuto too to explain how to make games like this, choices, managment of maps, moves, asw... You game will probably use to take good idea in to make some other great games.
NEW il y a 7 ans
Thanks a lot ! I did spend a few hours on this project and tried to polish it as much as possible :)
I might try to explain the games mechanisms but the thing is that I do not master C++ (the OOP part more precisely). I think it's clearly visible while reading the sources, so it's not really a perfect example of what people should do will programing a RPG (I have "bad" assembly habits :p).
Plus I have to admit that my english is far from being perfect, but I could start doing it in french and then translate it.
However there's another upcoming RPG (Reuben Quest) by Sorunome that should be more exemplary ;)
NEW il y a 7 ans
Si tu l'écris en français, égoïstement, ça me va bien. Même si tu ne maîtrises pas le C, si tu expliques les mécanismes, tes choix etc, ça sera bien. Pour les tutos C, n'oublions pas que l'équipe de Rodot va en faire par thème. Donc on aura déjà mais ton approche dans la création de ce jeu, tu es le seul à pouvoir l'écrire.
NEW il y a 6 ans
Love this game :D. More games like this, please :D. Im working on some sort of turn based strategy ;).
NEW il y a 6 ans
Thanks, do you have any feedback concerning the difficulty ? I'll certainly update the game at some point, first to clean the source code (and make use of OOP) and then maybe to add some content too, since if have free memory left (like a proper end) :)
I'm also planning to do other pokémon-like games (with a map editor in Python to create data files that will be read from the SD card), but not until I find more free time...
NEW il y a 6 ans
Il faut en récupérer aux picostops après avoir vaincu au moins deux monstres. Le tirage des objets est aléatoire mais j'avoue qu'il arrive parfois que certains objets sortent très peu comparé à d'autres mais ce n'est pas volontaire...
Peut-être faut-il que j'ajuste la difficulté sur ce point en distribuant 2 objets tous les 2 monstres tués ou alors 1 objets après chaque combat... Dites moi ce que vous en pensez :)
NEW il y a 6 ans
merci. moi je vous conseille de donner un objet aleatoirement tous les deux combats a peu pres en ayant recharger la vie de son monstre. parce que j arrive pas a vaincre deux monstres de suite sans rechagarger la vie de mon monstre et ca commence a moin m amuser. sinon super jeu
NEW il y a 6 ans
Thanks a lot ! I think I'm going to update it some day, I'm not really satisfied with some sfx (gb.sound.playOK & gb.sound.playCancel mainly). Plus I realized that the picoball are too difficult to get.
Now to find some free time to code :)
NEW il y a 6 ans
Hi deeph,
I've also noticed that when you save a game at a picostop, the game is saved before you get an object. So you need to save the game twice if you want to keep this object !
NEW il y a 6 ans
Bonjour deeph,
le code source que je voulais avoir proviens de ton jeu :p
serait-il possible que tu me l'envois ? En aucun cas je ne le publierais, qu'il soit modifié ou non.
NEW il y a 6 ans
Le code est disponible en haut de la page :
(cliquer sur le lien « Voir le source »)
NEW il y a 6 ans
@Chimrod : you're right but that's how the original game do (I'll change that too in the next update).
@IceCrew : le code source est effectivement déjà en ligne, par contre il est assez lourdingue à lire (pas orienté objet). En lui même il est copyleft, donc libre à toi d'en faire ce que tu veux, par contre le contenu (images/sons/concept) appartient à un autre auteur, headchant, donc il faut lui demander son accord si tu veux publier une version uniquement légèrement modifiée du jeu.
Enfin n'hésite pas à me demander de l'aide pour décrypter le code source :)