7 years ago
Every game needs its own assets, and everyone knows that, and to make those assets you need some tools. That's why you should consider picking the best utilities! (Note: feel free to suggests new tools to add to this list because it's far from being finished. Also, I bet Rodot will make an original version of this page. If it's true I'll delete mine.)
NEW 7 years ago
Just to note for the Pskel desktop application if you have an Antivirus. BitDefender flags it as Malware for some reason.
I downloaded it right off the site.
NEW 6 years ago
Update: For those who have issues with Piskell and their Antivirus, GraphicsGale seems to work with it alright. I uploaded a basic .gal file with the palette already set up in the palette thread.
It seems to have a bunch of nice features I'll never get around to using.
NEW 6 years ago
. Il y a aussi photofiltre qui est comme photoshop des annés 2010 avec moin de fonctions. C'est gratuit et il est tres pratique. par contre ca sera plus pour faire vos décor car il ne opermet pas l'animation de sprites.