Trouble with uploading Gamebuino classic game



il y a 6 ans


My Girlfriend and I just finished our first Gamebuino Classic game (yes, it is another Snake game, but I liked the idea of re-making something I played a lot back then on my own Nokia 5110 ;) ), So I'd like to share it with you, guys. Unfortunately, the old forum seems to be useless (no https, even for passwords ?!) and the new way to share a creation seems to be tailored for the Gamebuino Meta, since my recorded gif is not accepted and the Game file needs to be a .bin, not the .hex and .inf pair needed for the Classic.

Any Idea what I did wrong or where to submit it?




NEW il y a 6 ans

Hum, first hello Mr and Miss MakerSquirrel. You can always reach the old classic part but now, you should be able to use the new creation page and mark your creation as a classic. So you do well to signal what the .hex format should be supported (and if classic or / and .hex is selected, the emulator should be the old one). (Same for your gif). Aurélien, you have to make your team working ...  ;)

Old page of games is here: but now i think not alot people go seen it. You should wait  that Gamebuino team make corection on the new page, i think.

Else it's great that you do your our games, in all cases. If the game is already exist... Who care, you do your own, you propose it to others and you create something... For me it's alot better than just play and it's fine to offer new games for gamebuino and Makerbuino owners


NEW il y a 6 ans


thanks a lot for the fast answer and thanks even more for the nice welcome! I hesitate to use the old page since username and password are sent unencrypted (no https), I assume that got lost when the Gamebuino team moved the old page to legacy. @ Creation page addendum: I tried uploading the gif, but it reached a size limit, maybe the error message could write how big the maximum size is (the recorded gifs from the simbuino are getting rather big pretty fast, even a 30 second recording is too much).

@ Snake: at first I didn't even find any Snake version for the gamebuino (I actually have a MakerBuino, t,here no snake version is listed) then we started coding and I searched around more. The Snake version I found then was the Snake II from the newer Nokia devices. I prefer old school Snake I B). The current situation with the various old and new pages, the Gamebuino page and the Makerbuino stuff is rather confusing for noobs/newbies like me, I hope that gets better sooner or later. Maybe Gamebuino and Makerbuino could join forces for the games/creations section at least, so that it is less difficult to actually find games (well, since both teams now seem to make a living from their projects, this might be too much to ask, but from the consumer perspective fragmentation is never a good thing).

cheers again,



NEW il y a 6 ans

You're right for limit size. Even for a picture (not a gif but a big picture), the size can be too much. Wait the official answer as i don't remember the limit (but Aurélien have already said it) but i think it's 1Mo

Yes on there is only 50 games against 75 on (

SNAKEABCBUINO and SNAKE are only on legacy repository but alot links are broken...)

I totally agree with you for maintain site of legacy / Makerbuino atm, but i think it's only a long transition. With new creation page, we see that Legacy is managed (even there have corection to do) and Auelien would just that Legacy users use the new forms and that you select the platform of your search. But yes alot of the old works of the legacy is not yet updated on new format and only Aurelien could say what he want to do... Works on old stuff to integrate it on new site (as i think he would do). Cut the old stuff and let Albert manage tuto and repository for the classic and then put links in new repository as it's not the same company and the 3 consoles haven't the sames goals: Classic is a cheap good b/w game console, Makerbuino is same but open to electronical world but a bit more expensive and Meta is color console, more powerfull and opened on electronical world but a little more expensive again... So 3 goals, and 3 budgets. The main problem is that Legacy user don't exchange alot, so talk, create, exchange with other Legacy owners to make it more alive  ;)

PS: I have a Makerbuino too but no time atm to use it even i think later to program again to be able to play between the consoles (My  META and my Makerbuino... I deam even to do an Arduboy but i resist to save some of my life time  ;) )


NEW il y a 6 ans

Hiho,  FYI with several retries I was able to get it down to 1032kB, which was accepted by the uploader, still the .hex and .inf files are not accepted, so I will wait for the official answer then ;)

P.S.: yes, the Highscore code is a modified copy from Crabator (Rodot), in the final version of the credits that is mentioned, but not in the video here, sorry...


NEW il y a 6 ans

Nice  ;) 


NEW il y a 6 ans

Hey there!

The GIF should still upload just fine, what kind of error are you getting?

As for game download, just upload a zip that contains your hex file in the source code section by now, we are still working on a better solution for this scenario.


NEW il y a 6 ans


thanks for the reply, I will upload it using  the source code hook,

Edit: here the link:

Edit2: For the Error I got, please see screenshot (maybe simply write the file size cap there, so it is easier for the user)



Aurélien Rodot

NEW il y a 6 ans

makerSquirel you can add 4 short screen recordings, don't make them longer than a few seconds to limit the size. The limitation is on purpose to have short, punchy GIFs with only the interesting things, because people will likely scroll before the end of a 30 seconds GIF.

Right now the Creation upload is tailored for the META but you can still upload classic games, and we'll improve it, as Sorunome pointed out.

The legacy website is read only and there only for reference, everything should be done on the new one now, even the Classic stuff.


NEW il y a 6 ans

Hiho, thanks for the info! I then will update the creation page in one of the upcoming days. It still would be a nice help, though, if you could add the value of the size cap next to the upload buttons.



NEW il y a 6 ans

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