6 years ago
Hello, I have a gamebuino classic and want to know where all the games for it went? I can't find them to download.
Also where is the development tools for it as well?
This site only has a few classic games and I know there were a lot more.
Thank you in advance,
NEW 6 years ago
The legacy site seem to be down, but there are several games at https://github.com/Gamebuino/Gamebuino-Classic
NEW 6 years ago
I'm sorry about the legacy, site, it is back up now, and you can find the games here: http://legacy.gamebuino.com/wiki/index.php?title=Games
NEW 6 years ago
Hello, here is my compilation of games (and apps) for Gamebuino Classic: https://github.com/FeroBoh/Gamebuino-Classic_Games
NEW 6 years ago
the legacy page legacy.gamebuino.com seems to be down again. Any chance to fix this? would be nice!
6 years ago
Actually, it is up. Just that it doesn't work with https, only with http and there is no index page, you either have to go to /wiki or /forum
NEW 6 years ago
Actually, it is up. Just that it doesn't work with https, only with http and there is no index page, you either have to go to /wiki or /forum