Get a free Gamebuino !

By Aurélien Rodot, 11 years ago

For now, Gamebuino uses the Arduino UNO bootloader. It works great, but you need a computer every time you want to load a new game. With hybrid USB/SD card bootloader, you could switch between games just by restarting your Gamebuino ! Marvelous, isn’t it ?

That’s why I need YOU, a bad-ass developer, to help me. A guy already did something like that, but I didn’t manage to make it work correctly  yet 

The interesting part is that you’ll GET A FREE GAMEBUINO BEFORE EVERYBODY if you manage to make it work !

More info

About the development progress, I just finished (hopefully final) revision of the hardware. Concerning the library/source code, it’s now online and you can find it here. Now I can continue write examples/games/documentation, and I should post more videos soon ! Kickstarter is getting closer…

Thank you for following Gamebuino !