Make your Gamebuino & party invitation

By Aurélien Rodot, 6 years ago

Guess what? We started shipping!

...but if you want to get your Gamebuino faster, stop by our office in France and help us make the Gamebuino. No skills needed, 14 or older! See how it's done, meet the team and have a pizza :)

We'll be open 24/24 7/7, even during evenings and week-ends. Please tell us at least a day before to make sure we are here.

We need your help now to be able to ship all the perks on time before March :)

I want to help!

Other cool news for local Gamebuinians: we'll make a party so you can come and get your Gamebuino directly!

I want to get my Gamebuino at the party on Feb. 26!