Website bug reports & requests


Aurélien Rodot

7 years ago

Somethings doesn't work as it should ? A label is misleading ? Please tell us !

Blocking issues

  • Mobile version doesn't work
  • "+" buttons sometimes redirects to empty link instead of
  • User input isn't sanitized server side. Vulnerability to Javascript injections => use html tags whitelist

Annoying issues

  • Inconsistent up/down vote icons
  • Image is required for creations, even for text-based tutorials
  • When trying to save an incomplete creation, what's missing isn't obvious, you don't know it failed to save
  • You can't save a creation draft if fields are not filled
  • "Save draft" & "Publish" buttons
  • When uploading an avatar the uploading message is in french
  • When the last reply to a topic is from the original poster, only one user picture shows up in the topics list
  • Can't "reply" to the first post of a topic
  • Can't delete a topic
  • Can't edit a topic/creation tags
  • Can't edit a topic title
  • Edited post indicator isn't consistent between posts and replies
  • Avatar crop doesn't work
  • Froala's floating toolbar is hidden by the nav bar when scrolling down
  • After login, we are redirected to home page instead of the previous page
  • Logged out each time you come back
  • Video upload doesn't work

Cool features

  • Code highlighting
  • See who up/down voted on hover
  • Automatically convert URL
  • Post views counter


NEW 7 years ago


* positivels surprised that navigating etc. works fine with JS disabled
* login with JS disabled works, but is a hassle
* posting messages with JS disabled isn't working
* mobile is heavily broken, this feels like noone ever visited via a smartphone (must-have these days)

For the games:

* Guests are more interested in the game name than the author name
* somehow support multiple authors as, well, we are an open community to collaborate with multiple people (see doppler - drakker and me both work on it)

Aurélien Rodot

7 years ago

* mobile is heavily broken, this feels like noone ever visited via a smartphone (must-have these days)

* Guests are more interested in the game name than the author name
* somehow support multiple authors as, well, we are an open community to collaborate with multiple people (see doppler - drakker and me both work on it)

You'll be happy to know it's all in the works for the next website release! It's still an alpha version... feel free to report any other bugs :)

Aurélien Rodot

NEW 7 years ago

Sorunome Sorunome

* mobile is heavily broken, this feels like noone ever visited via a smartphone (must-have these days)

* Guests are more interested in the game name than the author name
* somehow support multiple authors as, well, we are an open community to collaborate with multiple people (see doppler - drakker and me both work on it)

You'll be happy to know it's all in the works for the next website release! It's still an alpha version... feel free to report any other bugs :)


NEW 7 years ago

I just noticed that when uploading an avatar the uploading message is in french.

Also, being able to use avatars with a transparent background would be nice!

Aurélien Rodot

7 years ago

List updated, thanks!

Aurélien Rodot

NEW 7 years ago

Sorunome Sorunome

List updated, thanks!


NEW 7 years ago

  • there is no indication if a post got edited and when (EDIT: apparently this only applies to top post, other replies have an edited indicator with timestamp)
  • no way to delete individual posts (some might argue that that is a feature, i leave that up to you)
  • common markdown ascii formatting isn't automatically converted to format stuff, you **have** to use the buttons up there, which, well, is sub-optimal. Or if not markdown then other stuff like bb-code or something
  • there is no way to change the tags after publishing a topic
  • pasted urls, such as don't become clickable

Aurélien Rodot

7 years ago

  • there is no indication if a post got edited and when

There is pen in the top right corner with the date showing on hover

  • no way to delete individual posts (some might argue that that is a feature, i leave that up to you)
  • common markdown ascii formatting isn't automatically converted to format stuff, you **have** to use the buttons up there, which, well, is sub-optimal. Or if not markdown then other stuff like bb-code or something

I'm not sure what froala can do, I looked it up and didn't see markdown support, maybe we could add shortcuts.

  • there is no way to change the tags after publishing a topic

You mean a creation ?

Aurélien Rodot

NEW 7 years ago

Sorunome Sorunome

  • there is no indication if a post got edited and when

There is pen in the top right corner with the date showing on hover

  • no way to delete individual posts (some might argue that that is a feature, i leave that up to you)
  • common markdown ascii formatting isn't automatically converted to format stuff, you **have** to use the buttons up there, which, well, is sub-optimal. Or if not markdown then other stuff like bb-code or something

I'm not sure what froala can do, I looked it up and didn't see markdown support, maybe we could add shortcuts.

  • there is no way to change the tags after publishing a topic

You mean a creation ?


7 years ago


just+edited+in+in+the+post+before:+ (EDIT:+apparently+this+only+applies+to+top+post,+other+replies+have+an+edited+indicator+with+timestamp)







  • add+a+"quote"+button+which+auto-quotes+the+content
  • pasted+urls,+such+as+'t+become+clickable
  • when+opening+a+reply,+and+the+reply+has+a+new+reply,+that+doesn't+have+a+"replies"+button+to+open+that,+too+(if+you+know+what+i+mean)


NEW 7 years ago

Aurélien Rodot Aurélien Rodot


just+edited+in+in+the+post+before:+ (EDIT:+apparently+this+only+applies+to+top+post,+other+replies+have+an+edited+indicator+with+timestamp)







  • add+a+"quote"+button+which+auto-quotes+the+content
  • pasted+urls,+such+as+'t+become+clickable
  • when+opening+a+reply,+and+the+reply+has+a+new+reply,+that+doesn't+have+a+"replies"+button+to+open+that,+too+(if+you+know+what+i+mean)


NEW 7 years ago

The avatar crop option doesn't work, it displays the whole image stretched.

Also, the forum truncates long messages with a "read the original" link that loads another page... that is weird. If I click on a post, I want to see the whole thing.


NEW 7 years ago

When typing in a code block and then adding a new line afterwards we sometimes still have the monospace font, which also causes long lines not to wrap. See here:


NEW 7 years ago

Every time I visit the site I seem to be logged out.

Video upload doesn't work. It said something went wrong and my Chromium window stopped responding (other windows were fine though). I had to kill it to fix it. On Firefox it still says that something went wrong but at least it doesn't become unresponsive. The video I was trying to upload was 74 megs... maybe there's a file size limit.

Aurélien Rodot

NEW 6 years ago

Our dev is back, the bug list is shortening more than it's lengthening now!

Image result for gif dance


6 years ago

Yay! Does that mean we should start reporting all the little things that are off? :P

Nah, really, i noticed right away when logging on today that some things changed, as i was happy it displayed all participants avatars on the board listing ^.^


NEW 6 years ago

Aurélien Rodot Aurélien Rodot

Yay! Does that mean we should start reporting all the little things that are off? :P

Nah, really, i noticed right away when logging on today that some things changed, as i was happy it displayed all participants avatars on the board listing ^.^


NEW 6 years ago

Message deleted


NEW 6 years ago

this is a test post

EDIT: feel free to delete this post, i used it to test some more JS injection ideas (via HTML attributes), and they were luckily un-successful! Great job! :D

Aurélien Rodot

6 years ago

Even the HTML5 videos are sanitized at the moment, he's adjusting the little things :)

Aurélien Rodot

NEW 6 years ago

Sorunome Sorunome

Even the HTML5 videos are sanitized at the moment, he's adjusting the little things :)