7 years ago
This tool was designed as an easy and interactive method for creating sound FX directly on your Gamebuino. It features 64 saves slots (requires an SD card), export via Serial Monitor and up to 8 Sound per FX
- FX : A series of sounds that you can play in your game
- Sound : The smallest part of FX. Each sound has a given Length, Volume, Period (for sound pitching) and a Waveform. Volume and Period can be altered by sliding up or down the parameter through time
UP/DOWN : Navigate
LEFT/RIGHT : Change value / Navigate
A : Hold to change value faster / Validate
B : Play your sound / Cancel
Menu : Open Menu Bar
Navigate to the Sound List at the bottom of the screen, then use Left/Right to go to the [+], and press A. You will see that a new Sound was added to your FX. You can edit it by selecting it in the Sound List. To do that, navigate to the youd you want to select using Left/Right, then press A.
To use the sound you created, you need to export export them, to do that, follow these steps :
1. Connect your Gamebuino to your PC via an USB cable
2. Launch your Arduino IDE
3. Go to Tools > Serial Monitor
4. On your Gamebuino, press the <key>Menu</key> key and navigate to file > Export
5. Some code should appear in the Serial Monitor on your PC.
Now you have two choices :
- If you want to use your sound right away, simply copy the second part of the code that should look like the sample below in the .cpp or .ino where you want to use your sound.
const Gamebuino_Meta::Sound_FX sfx_0[] = {
Then, you just need to call gb.sound.fx(sfx_0); when you want your sound to play.
// Your .H file
#pragma once
#include <Gamebuino-Meta.h>
extern const Gamebuino_Meta::Sound_FX sfx_0[];
extern const Gamebuino_Meta::Sound_FX sfx_1[];
extern const Gamebuino_Meta::Sound_FX sfx_2[];
// Your .CPP file
#include "sfx.h"
const Gamebuino_Meta::Sound_FX sfx_0[] = { ... };
const Gamebuino_Meta::Sound_FX sfx_1[] = { ... };
const Gamebuino_Meta::Sound_FX sfx_2[] = { ... };
NEW 6 years ago
Hey, just wanted to say thanks for this tool! I used it to make the sound effects for Armageddon Meta, and it was pretty polished and easy to use!