Is the Gamebuino classic better than the Arduboy?



7 years ago

I know at this point the Meta seems to be the best choice. Only $50 bucks more than the classic and is a complete upgrade. I think the Arduboy is $30. You think the Meta is the best choice if you have the money? 


NEW 7 years ago

The Arduboy

          pros - small, flat, tough, minimalist, has a beautiful monochrome screen and an active developer community.

          cons - monochrome, no sd card - can only load one game - needs another device (a computer or the right phone) to load a different game, subject to arduino chip memory limitations.

The Gamebuino Classic:  

          pros - nice shape, has sd card, many games, linking capabilities, clone available (Makerbuino).

          cons - monochrome, uses old Nokia screen - developer community recently not so active (moved on to Meta?), subject to arduino chip memory limitations

The Gamebuino Meta:

          pros - color screen, nice case, sd card, leds, better sound (?), headphone jack, Cortex M0 32 processor with much more flash and ram memory than arduino chip, cool games being developed

          cons - not available yet, games not available yet.


7 years ago

"better sound (?)" -> The meta has way better sound and it can play 8 bit wav! (I'm pretty sure Classic wasn't able to do that)

" cons - not available yet, games not available yet." -> Well, that's the most not-problematic con I've ever heard.


NEW 7 years ago

catsfolly catsfolly

"better sound (?)" -> The meta has way better sound and it can play 8 bit wav! (I'm pretty sure Classic wasn't able to do that)

" cons - not available yet, games not available yet." -> Well, that's the most not-problematic con I've ever heard.


7 years ago

The classic CAN play raw music files, at the expense of doing anything else. The META has a seperate sound chip, which reduces CPU load.


NEW 7 years ago


The classic CAN play raw music files, at the expense of doing anything else. The META has a seperate sound chip, which reduces CPU load.

Aurélien Rodot

7 years ago

Actually it doesn't! ^^ It has an audio amp, but it's only amplifying signal, not processing anything.

Aurélien Rodot

NEW 7 years ago


Actually it doesn't! ^^ It has an audio amp, but it's only amplifying signal, not processing anything.


7 years ago

I stand corrected! I mistook the amp for a full audio chip. That makes it being able to play wav files even more impressive.


NEW 7 years ago

Aurélien Rodot Aurélien Rodot

I stand corrected! I mistook the amp for a full audio chip. That makes it being able to play wav files even more impressive.


NEW 7 years ago

I preferred the Arduboy over the Gamebuino classic cause the screen had a much higher resolution, and the buttons were superior. Especially the dpad.

Aurélien Rodot

7 years ago

Agreed, I guess we improved quite a bit with our new Gamebuino META ;)

Aurélien Rodot

NEW 7 years ago

NeoTechni NeoTechni

Agreed, I guess we improved quite a bit with our new Gamebuino META ;)


7 years ago

Agreed. The Meta is a work of art, as your award proves


NEW 7 years ago

Aurélien Rodot Aurélien Rodot

Agreed. The Meta is a work of art, as your award proves