6 years ago
Hello I have one question. How i can store data (for example an object) in flash memory and when I need it just import it to ram ?
NEW 6 years ago
Assuming you are using the META, by adding const
to your variable definitions you put them into flash.
This string is in RAM:
char mystring[] = "Hello World";
while this string is in flash:
const char mystring[] = "Hello World";
You can access both the exact same way
NEW 6 years ago
Thanks, helpful as always ;). But now I encounter other problem. I want to store my stage data in object of Room class. Sadly I can't make it const cause im adding things to it on setup by using methods. So how can I store my stage data in flash ?
NEW 6 years ago
I can make all stage objects and then store it in constant array but still there are non-constant created objects that still gonna be in RAM not in flash :C
NEW 6 years ago
Via brace initializers (you can't run a custom constructor then, though)
const MyObj test = {42, 1337};
the parameters are the attributes in the order they appear