[Gamebuino Classic]

A small (but challenging) beat'em all I created for Gamebuino Classic.

One life, one gun, 6 bullet magazine... And hundreds of ennemies! Kill'em all to go to the next level!

The code is quite dirty, so not a example to follow :D

Since GamebuinoClassic Emulator isn't available here, your can test the game HERE

Last comments

3 years ago

It’s an administrator. It’s in his to do list. But as the project restart, he have a long to do list atm, but some have already be done. Transformation in progress… :slight_smile:

3 years ago

Already done, but I can understand that the Classic is not the priority anymore… Looks like I’m the only one to still post Classic creations :smiley:

3 years ago

maybe you can ask an administrator to add the Gamebuino Classic emulator? :wink: