another 2048


By kus kus, 1 year ago

Controls: D-Pad: [Arrows / WASD] - A: [J] - B: [K] - Menu: [U] - Home: [I]
Enjoy games at full speed with sound and lights on the Gamebuino META!
Emulator by aoneill

another2048 for the Gamebuino Classic

A port to Gamebuino Meta can be be found on Github:


This is another 2048 game for the Gamebuino Classic. It's my first Gamebuino project.


Copy the another2048.ino.hex onto your SD-card (not tested jet because my DIY gambuino has no SD-card). Alternatively open the another2048.ino from Github in your Arduino IDE and upload it directly.


Just control it with the D-pad. If you play beyond 8192 the message "Victory!" appears to prevent the numbers from overflowing the cells. Note that at the moment there is no game-over screen. If you can't move anymore then you have lost. I'm going to change it soon. Restart by pressing B.


Version 0.1.10:

  • Restart on pressing B added
  • Title screen image added

Version 0.1.11:

  • Bugfix: reset Score to 4 on restart

Last comments

1 year ago

Thank you @Graf_Makula.
this is a more fun version !