Centipede META


By sylvain, 5 years ago

Controls: D-Pad: [Arrows / WASD] - A: [J] - B: [K] - Menu: [U] - Home: [I]
Enjoy games at full speed with sound and lights on the Gamebuino META!
Emulator by aoneill

New in 0.2:
- Fixing some bugs when the Centipede arrives at the bottom of the screen
- You can now die (bouh), and have 3 lives
- Each time you kill a Centipede, a new one spawn with a higher speed 
- Some lights, for fun
- (ugly) Main menu
High scores thanks to makerSquirrel 



I'm working in making a clone of this classic arcade game, in which I spent many many hours in my childhood on the good old Atari 2600.

I got ten years of experience in web development (yeah, I made this website), but I'm a beginner in game dev, so I'm trying to learn by reading your code (yeah, you, member of our awesome community), so let me know if you have some advises on mine! (and please, be kind to me, otherwise I'll ban you ahahah! - no, I'm joking of course).

I didn't work a lot on it (I don't have so much time for me), and this is partially implemented:

- Character's controls

- Centipede moves (with some bugs)

- You can shoot on the centipede, it spawns mushrooms

A lot of things is missing:

- Centipede going crazy when he arrives at the bottom of the screen

- Collisions with the character (actually, you can't die, great, right?), end of game

- The fuckin spiders (you know what I'm talking about if you know the original game)

- And so many things....