NEW 6 years ago
Very simple gameplay yet a challenging puzzle thanks to the nice level design. And I love the colorization.
I've put it in many peoples' hands, and they struggle quite a bit with the controls. It would make sense to pick up the crate in front of you with "A" and put it down with "A" too. Hold "B" down to move the camera, and how hints that you can look around when you do so (like arrows at each edge of the screen). To reset the level well you just press "Menu" to leave and "A" to get back in. I think that with this people would instantly understand how it work, what do you reckon?
NEW 6 years ago
Sounds pretty fair to me, I must agree that the controls are currently a bit iffy ^^ Your suggestions also make a lot of sense
NEW 6 years ago
I would just like to konw.. If there aren't any gamebuino meta emulators how did you get that gif file?
NEW 6 years ago
As part of the Gamebuino Team and a core developer I have a prototype for developing the library itself and thelike ;)
NEW 6 years ago
So sorry, it's done. My native language is not English. Finding something is a bit difficult for me. I 'd like to transfer the game to another platform. I'm glad you can reply.
NEW 6 years ago
For that you are on your own. Gamebuino-Meta.h is the include header file of the gamebuino core library.
NEW 6 years ago
I'm in Paris for 3 days, it's a big students faire. What's funny it that people always choose blockdude from the loader. I tried to put it down in the list, it's still the first pick of many people. I wonder what's special about this icon ^^
Well, now I have seen plenty of people playing this game for the first time, here are a few suggestions.
People don't really get the crate handling right away. You could add some hints to make it more intuitive, for example:
NEW 6 years ago
I am stuck for quite a while on one of the levels. The problem is that dude can't put crate down if there are only two tiles where he walks. If I move him left he is stuck on the left side and can't put it down. If I move him right he also is not able to put it down. Is it intentional to make it more difficult? Are all levels possible to pass with the current game engine?
NEW 6 years ago
That is indeed intentional to make it more difficult, and all levels are possible