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6 years ago

PERSONALIZE your Deluxe pack

For a few months, we have been selling Fair Stickers. Fair, because the game creator receives 50% of the gain. More informations about fair stickers here.

Too promote the bests developers, we choose to include 2 stickers in the Deluxe Pack. Good news, you can now choose which stickers you want, in order to support your favorite game/creator!

Talking about stickers, Juice Lizard, members of the Gamebuino community and creator of the Game SQUARENOSE available on Gamebuino META created his own stickers too!

New notifications system!

Sorunome here, You may have noticed your browser has asked you if you want to enable notifications - that is because we enhanced our notification system!

In addition to the little bell-icon in the upper-right corner of the website, we now offer web-push notifications. This allows you to receive notifications to replies, game updates, etc. in real-time.

You can also change your notification settings here, in case you don't want to see some.

Sorry for the downtime!

Those of you active on the site probably noticed that we had some downtime last Friday and the website not working properly throughout the weekend. 

This happened when applying an update. Said update followed the spirit of Murphy's Law: "Everything that can go wrong will go wrong". 

We ended up quickly moving the website to a different server, a migration we had planned anyways. But, of course, that wasn't the end of our troubles! Due to a bug in our providers DNS servers, the new DNS records didn't propagate correctly - this was quickly fixed on Monday, and the website is back to its full glory!

Pick of the week

This week we choose to highlight this fun and beautiful pixel art game

ENGARDE! By Insajd

EnGarde! is a turn-based roguelike where you have to move in time limited turns and kill all enemies to progress to the next level. Collect coins, buy upgrades and make your way to the bosses and further worlds!

Learn more

Thanks and congratulation Insajd for the game play, the fast pixel art and sounds effects!

View full creation


NEW 6 years ago

Merci pour le relai sur les stickers Square Nose. Je n'ai pas vraiment mis en place de boutique, mais il suffit de me contacter si vous souhaitez en acquérir. Du moment que vous résidez sur Terre, il y a moyen que je vous en envoie.


NEW 6 years ago

Hey, thanks for featuring my game! Hopefully I'll be able to finish it soon and apply for seal of quality ^^


6 years ago

your game doesn't need to be done to apply for the seal of quality!


NEW 6 years ago

Insajd Insajd

your game doesn't need to be done to apply for the seal of quality!


6 years ago

I know, but I need proper icon for it and I'm putting it off for later because I'm not sure what I want it to be xD

Also, I wonder how often do you update games added to gamebuino? Every major version release or it's less strict than that?


NEW 6 years ago

Sorunome Sorunome

I know, but I need proper icon for it and I'm putting it off for later because I'm not sure what I want it to be xD

Also, I wonder how often do you update games added to gamebuino? Every major version release or it's less strict than that?

Aurélien Rodot

6 years ago

For every new batch of micro SD card we order :P

But it's likely going to change so don't take that into consideration.

Aurélien Rodot

NEW 6 years ago

Insajd Insajd

For every new batch of micro SD card we order :P

But it's likely going to change so don't take that into consideration.