7 years ago
This game has been cancelled for the Gamebuino META... A web version is currently in development. Click here to follow its development.
NEW 7 years ago
I have been following the development of this so far, and i must say, it has been astonishing! This game ought to be something that will be very enjoyable, i can't wait to try it!
NEW 7 years ago
Amazing job like some other in the team of game makers but yes amazing job on level editing, moves and graphics. Now have to be good on level editing and make this game an of the top game to play ;) I'll follow news and for sure its will be one of the game i'll test in Febuary when i'll receive my META ;)
NEW 7 years ago
You made the parallax background, nice ! I already told you but I love all those little details ! :)
Will you implement double jumping ? It could add a little more challenge.
NEW 7 years ago
Thank you all very much for the kind words!
I don't think I'll add double jumping but I will add that the longer you press A the higher you jump.
I reworked the toolbox to have category selection and descriptions for everything! All text is work in progress.
As always, here's some footage:
NEW 7 years ago
Thanks guys!
Today I added plants, crates and milk! Also improved and optimized some code.
Again, some footage to show it all off:
NEW 7 years ago
SiegfriedCroes, this game will be crazy. I think i'll loose alot of hours because of you. I hate you already and i thanks you alot for that too...
NEW 7 years ago
@jicehel: Haha, thank you very much! As long as you're having fun it's time well spend ;)
Programmed these yesterday already but refined them some more today. I'm talking about collapsing platforms! :D
NEW 7 years ago
Amazing, it's will be a top game. Probably better and more fun than alot actual commercial games
NEW 7 years ago
Thank you so much for the kind words, it really means a lot!
This week I finally added variable jump height, ghost jump (the ability to still jump for a few milliseconds after falling off a platform) and a worm enemy!
NEW 7 years ago
After the worm you could maybe add a bird too ? (i think its should be the good size, they are neutral grey atm because i don't know wich color you would and even if you want add a bird ;) ) So it's just an idea.
Edit, j'ai changé d'idée, je te mets des versions couleur
6 years ago
Oh yeah I'll definitely make a bird enemy :) With the option to make them patrol horizontally or vertically. There will also be a mouse that can climb up walls and ceilings and a fish that jumps out of the water (will add water for that which you'll drown in when you land in it).
Note: those are all ideas I'd love to add but that doesn't mean they'll be in the game for sure.
Also, I appreciate you trying to help :) The birds are really blurry though and still too big! But don't worry, I'll be able to draw something that works :)
NEW 6 years ago
Oh yeah I'll definitely make a bird enemy :) With the option to make them patrol horizontally or vertically. There will also be a mouse that can climb up walls and ceilings and a fish that jumps out of the water (will add water for that which you'll drown in when you land in it).
Note: those are all ideas I'd love to add but that doesn't mean they'll be in the game for sure.
Also, I appreciate you trying to help :) The birds are really blurry though and still too big! But don't worry, I'll be able to draw something that works :)