Big website update!



6 years ago

The “Create” website update

Hey there, it’s Aurélien! With Sorunome who’s been over for two weeks, we worked on making the online experience better. You might have noticed some changes already.

  • Animated game thumbnails – It’s way more interesting to browse the games now that you can actually see them in action right from the Creations page. Check it out! 
  • Online emulator on each Creation page – You can take a quick glance at a game to know if it’s worth downloading on your Gamebuino. You can also share your Creation to all your friends who don’t have a Gamebuino (yet). Check it out! 
  • Whole new Create page – This is where everything changed. Now you can just drag and drop your .bin files a screen recording, and everything is converted and embedded on the fly. It even generates a proper icon and title screen for your game. You don’t know how to get these files? No problem, we’ll guide you through the steps. Check it out!
  • New game download system – Now when you download a game, you can be sure it has an icon, a title screen and the bin file in the right folder with the right name. Don’t waste your time looking around trying to figure out what you are supposed to do.
  • Notifications – You can receive notifications directly through your browser, whether it be on desktop or mobile. Remember to log in an and authorize them not to miss anything!

ATTENTION PLEASE! You can edit your existing Creations to add nice screen recordings and a bin file for the emulator. Show off your skillzzz!

PS: While you’re at it, you can recompile your games with the new 1.2.0 Gamebuino META library update. Plenty of new stuff. I guess I’ll tell you more in the next News.

Pick of the week

Sandra here, this week I am pleased to introduce you a game that I really really like. For the colors, the graphisme, the gameplay … I’m absolutely a fan of

MEZE by Kamil brzezinSki


In this game, you are a tiny lost demon at the very bottom of hell who wants to get to a better world. Each level of the labyrinth is a hellish circle. To get out of the maze you have to get all diabolic keys, open the portals and get to the next levels.

But beware, the devil is chasing you! Do not look behind you!

Be aware that after getting the key the labyrinth changes in front of your eyes.

There are dangers in various nooks and crannies! Be careful and good luck!


Thank you Kamil Brzezinski!

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