5 years ago
Hello everybody!
As you might notice, Gamebuino’s website had some changes!
We (especially Sylvain) did a reorganization of the academy part which is now separated in 3 categories:
Official workshop: Workshop which has been written or validated by the Gamebuino team
Popular workshop: As the name suggests, this category regroups the most popular tutorials.
Stand-alone: Small tutorials which helps you to gain new skills or to learn how to handle your Gamebuino.
But that's not all! These workshops are now divided into steps which allow you to go gradually follow your progression.
To make the experience easier and adapted, new tabs are available:
This beautiful academy is now ready to host new workshops, stay connected!
We also added new features to your profile. You can now gain some XP with your action on Gamebuino.com. And you can now win some badges!
You can also share your Facebook, twitter, GitHub and Google +
Other members can access them with a click!
PS : Thers is some changes on the referrals ;)
As we’re really proud of our community, and we love to highlight its members, we decided to create a new rubric, which is an interview with a member of the community.
And we are happy to start this week with STEPH :
Can you present yourself in few words?
Fascinated by the programming since my 11 years old, I studied in computer science until the PhD and defended a thesis in Distributed Artificial Intelligence. I am currently working as a Research Engineer at the University in Reunion Island. But I still admire the genius of the creators of retro video games that invented everything at a time when hardware and systems environments were extremely constrained. Coding on the Gamebuino META plunges us into the difficulties of this pioneering era and that's why it is exciting.
Tell-us your story with Gamebuino!
One of my friends told me about an article he read on jeuxvideos.com which presented a small console made in France to play and create retro video games. That’s how I discovered the incredible pedagogic project around Gamebuino META. It’s been 3 months since I joined this small, dynamic and nice community. I try to bring my stone to the building with my modest contribution on the learning programming part with tutorials.
Tell- us your Story with code?
I started to learn basic with books when I was 11. At this time I only had access to T07, 1h a week. I learn everything by coding on paper, in notebooks .. Using the processor in my head ????
And with times, I discovered a lot of other languages as Assembler, C, Prolog, Ada, SmallTalk, Java, PHP, JavaScript, Lua, etc. I never did C++ and that’s what motivate my double interest in the Gamebuino META 3 months ago only ! Technically, we are always learning. This is precisely what makes this discipline exciting :)
What is your first creation ?
I immediately set a goal for my first creation that allows me to base my first experience in programming in C++ through the writing of a tutorial on object-oriented programming and architecture Model View Controller. Because according to the well-known "Ce qui se conçoit bien s’énonce clairement, et les mots pour le dire arrivent aisément.” To illustrate these programming paradigms, I chose a small exercise that was both simple and rich in terms of design models: the famous Game of Life, devised by John Conway in the 1970s. All the interactive capabilities of the META are discussed: control buttons, color display, LEDs and sound management. A way for me to make a complete overview on this mysterious little object that I was eager to apprehend. It seems to me that the result is rather successful if I believe the way it was welcomed by the Gamebuino team, since it was the subject of the "Pick of the week" :)
What’s the creation you are the proudest of?
It is my second tutorial: "High Resolution Tamperized Lighting". I discovered that it was possible to access the high definition screen of the META off the beaten track and free from the official library gb.display. I owe this discovery to Andy O'Neill's awesome article "High Resolution without gb.display". Andy is one of the major contributors to the Gamebuino universe and here I pay him my humble respect for his remarkable creations. This article opens up a sea of fantastic possibilities to fully exploit the capabilities of META. I wanted to give a spotlight on this unique technique by writing a complete tutorial on a clever method to exploit it fully. The tutorial also scans fundamental notions of mathematics and mechanical physics essential for video game programming. I sincerely believe that it is a real gold mine for the community and I encourage all those who want to learn to develop video games to read it!
Do you want to add something?
I sincerely want to say thank you to the community that is active around Aurélien's project to promote it, to deliver its contributions in Open Source and to make its contribution, so as to gradually build a great educational tool for our young coders, and for all of us, since each of us continues to learn in light of the creations that is around on the site gamebuino.com.
Congratulations to Aurélien, Sandra, Sylvain and the team that works in the shadows, for managed to lead this project, and to continued to animate and energize this great community that is activated around this small console full of resources and surprises. It’s a nice discovery for me.
NEW 5 years ago
Génial, je le connais ce réunionnais... Bon je n'aime pas son humour (vengeance, il comprendra :D) mais j'aime beaucoup ce qu'il fait et il a assurément beaucoup de choses à nous apprendre, pas mal d'idée et de talents (le bougre...).
Sinon merci Sandra pour cette news, pour cette fois, j'avoue, j'étais un peu au courant mais Sylvain a super bien bossé. Il reste beaucoup à faire, mais les choses prennent une belle tournure. On lui a demandé encore pas mal de chose (le pauvre, il fait semblant d'apprécier nos idées, mais il ne doit plus en pouvoir de nos demandes ;) ). (Entre autre, la possibilité de retrouver les article via un système de mots clés, de pouvoir classer les ateliers / standalone selon un critère de progression car certains ateliers utilisent ce qui a été vu au préalable dans d'autres ateliers)
Pour les nouveaux ateliers, je pense pouvoir dire que ça ne devrait pas tarder: hein Christopher ?
Sylvain vous tiendra au courant, je pense sur comment écrire un tuto et le soumettre pour qu'il soit ajouté, quand il sera prêt. Il pourrait même en faire un stand alone, ça aurait du sens ;)
Voilà, Steph va être content, j'ai encore eu 50 points... est-ce que ça va jouer sur ma collections de badges ? Sylvain, peux-tu créer un badge pour les collectionneurs de badges ? :D
D'ailleurs Sylvain, tu pourrais me mettre le badge possesseur de Gamebuino, j'ai déjà posté des photo de ma console... :D (En plus Steph sera encore plus deg... (re vengeance ... :D )
5 years ago
Merci pour vos messages :) Pour activer le badge, allez faire un tour dans vos paramètres et indiquez que vous possédez une Gamebuino, le badge devrait être activé automatiquement quelques heures plus tard.
NEW 5 years ago
"Génial, je le connais ce réunionnais... Bon je n'aime pas son humour " Hahahahaha, j'en peux plus, Hahaha
NEW 5 years ago
Belle présentation !
Et la mise à jour du site est au top !
Pour te réponde Jicehel, pour nommer les choses, l'atelier sur les bases d'un jeu de plateformes avance bien, et il devrait voir le jour d'ici disons maximum 2 semaines, restez connecté ;)
NEW 5 years ago
Merci pour vos messages :) Pour activer le badge, allez faire un tour dans vos paramètres et indiquez que vous possédez une Gamebuino, le badge devrait être activé automatiquement quelques heures plus tard.
NEW 5 years ago
Fait ;) PS: Sylvain, dans les paramètres, j'étais perdu car le bouton est marqué 'save' et non 'sauvegarder'... J'étais désorienté ;)
NEW 5 years ago
[Traduction française ci-dessous]
Congratulations Sylvain for this colossal work on the new Academy! A lot of cosmetics and reorganization for the visible part of the iceberg, which nevertheless remains the most important since it is the one that all Gamebuinians will face in search of new knowledge. And it is very important to organize the learning paths properly. Especially for beginners! Many thanks to chris-scientist, Jicehel and Max for their contributions to the educational content. They work hard for all of you Gamebuinians! We often lose sight of the fact that all this content requires real work in preparation, organization, design, implementation, testing, adjustments, finalisation and writing! It is a precious time that they have decided to offer you to help you in your learning! Don't forget that! And remember to thank them from time to time... ;-)
The gamification of profiles is a very good idea, driving motivation for some, the opportunity to set challenges for others... It's fun and it gives a little insight into the progress or participation of everyone in the various activities offered on the site.
This new Gamebuinian presentation section is a great idea, I must admit I'm quite eager to know more about some of us:-) A little suggestion for the Picks of the Week: perhaps it would be more interesting to thematize this section, in order to clearly differentiate the creations that come under the proposal of a new game, a new utility or a new tutorial... since it seems difficult to me to compare these categories which are orthogonal.
Thanks to Sandra who regularly keeps us informed of what is happening on the Gamebuino Planet, a real pillar to assist Aurélien in the management of his project, always on the lookout for optimal customer satisfaction, with an availability that is matched only by her smile :-)
And what about Aurélien? I know he's busy on the other side, but I'd also like to see him speak a little bit from time to time. Not you? ;-)
Last thing... to Sylvain's attention (to please Jicehel)... couldn't we weight the allocation of participation points on the forum by the number of words (or characters) contained in the post? Ha ha... it would be more equitable, wouldn't it?
Bravo Sylvain pour ce travail colossal sur la nouvelle Académie ! Beaucoup de cosmétique et de réorganisation pour la partie visible de l'iceberg, qui reste néanmoins la plus importante puisque c'est celle à laquelle seront confrontés tous les Gamebuiniens en quête de nouveaux savoirs. Et c'est très important de bien organiser les parcours d'apprentissage. Surtout pour les débutants ! Un grand merci à chris-scientist, Jicehel et Max pour leurs contributions qui viennent alimenter les contenus pédagogiques. Ils travaillent d'arrache-pieds pour vous tous Gamebuiniens ! On perd souvent de vue que tous ces contenus demandent un réel travail de préparation, d'organisation, de conception, d'implémentation, de tests, de mises au point, de finalisation et de rédaction !!! C'est un temps précieux qu'ils ont décidé de vous offrir pour vous aider dans votre apprentissage ! Ne l'oubliez pas ! Et pensez à les remercier de temps en temps... ;-)
La gamification des profils est une très bonne idée, moteur de la motivation pour certains, l'occasion de se fixer des challenges pour d'autres... C'est amusant et ça donne un petit aperçu de l'avancée ou la participation des uns et des autres aux différentes activités proposées sur le site.
Cette nouvelle rubrique de présentation des Gamebuiniens est une excellente idée, j'avoue être assez impatient d'en savoir plus sur certains d'entre nous :-) Une petite suggestion pour les Coups de Coeur de la semaine : peut-être serait-il plus intéressant de thématiser cette rubrique, de façon à bien différencier les créations qui relèvent de la proposition d'un nouveau jeu, d'un nouvel utilitaire ou d'un nouveau tutoriel... puisqu'il me semble difficile de comparer ces catégories qui sont orthogonales.
Merci à Sandra qui nous tient régulièrement au courant de ce qui se trame sur la Planète Gamebuino, véritable pilier pour assister Aurélien dans la conduite de son projet, toujours à l'affût de la satisfaction client optimale, avec une disponibilité qui n'a d'égal que son sourire :-)
Et quid d'Aurélien ? Je sais qu'il est bien occupé par ailleurs, mais j'aimerais aussi le voir s'exprimer un peu de temps en temps. Pas vous ? ;-)
Dernière chose... à l'attention de Sylvain (pour faire plaisir à Jicehel)... ne pourrait-on pas pondérer l'attribution des points de participation sur le forum par le nombre de mots (ou de caractères) contenus dans le post ? Ha ha... ce serait + équitable nan ?